VolunTEEN Program

The Keep Pasco Beautiful VolunTEEN Program is for middle and high school students interested in making a positive impact on the environment!
VolunTEENs can jump into multiple hands-on volunteer opportunities throughout the year, such as litter cleanups, invasive plant removal, and other educational activities, all across Pasco County.
Whether you are seeking documented service hours or simply eager to contribute, our program offers a chance to volunteer while gaining insight into local environmental issues and actively enhancing your community. The service hours earned through our VolunTEEN Program can fulfill requirements for various organizations, including but not limited to: National Junior Honor Society, Bright Futures, National Honor Society, Creativity Activity Service Program, Key Club.
If you would like to be updated about our VolunTEEN Program, please click on the Become a VolunTEEN button below.