Keep Pasco Beautiful is a 501(c)3. All donations are tax deductible. You can donate by clicking the button below.

For additional payment method options, please contact us at info@keeppascobeautiful.org.
Note: If you are interested in donating $500 or more, please visit our Partners page to explore our Partnership Package and learn about the benefits of each sponsorship category.
In 2024, because of your incredible support, we’ve removed over 102,000 pounds of litter from Pasco County and given away hundreds of trees and plants to help our community grow greener and more sustainable!
Together, we’ve made a huge impact, but there’s still more to do to Keep Pasco Beautiful. This Giving Tuesday, we’re aiming to raise $5,000 to fund cleanup supplies and expand initiatives like our tree giveaways. Here’s how your gift can help:
💚 $25 provides cleanup supplies for 5 volunteers or helps us distribute 5 native plants to the community.
💚 $50 supports a cleanup team for one day or sponsors 10 native plants.
💚 $100 tackles larger cleanup projects and helps us expand tree giveaways.
🎉 Special Giving Tuesday Bonus! The first 25 people who donate at least $10 will win a car sunshade to keep their vehicles cool while helping Keep Pasco Beautiful!
Every donation, big or small, makes a difference in creating a cleaner, greener Pasco County. If you can’t donate, a share can go a long way in helping us reach more people!
Let’s make Giving Tuesday count! Together, we can clean up our community, plant more trees, and Keep Pasco Beautiful. 🌎🌳